The phenomenological content of this contention is metaphysical where the integral processes of the cosmic turn out to be dynamic in the inter-planetary space in the absence of other domains of physics. In conformity with Quantum Dynamical, Evolution Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge abbreviated QDE Theory, the integral processes of the cosmic viz. Magnetic moment coupled with high-energy neutron radiation of extinguishing planets, three hundred and sixty degrees of high-energy shift due to intrinsic nature of neutrons and collision of neutrons at four collision points around three hundred and sixty degrees of shift, transpose these into a composite motive force called a Quaternion atom.

The Quaternion atomic model (2008) is the newest of the series of atomic models introduced so far since the Thomson atomic model in the year 1897. I do not intent to go into a comprehensive account of the three atomic models described after the Thomson model viz. the planetary model or nuclear model of Rutherford, the orbital model of Bohr and the relativistic atom model of Somerfield because the central plans of all these models are based on electron theory in which case the existence of electrons in matter is considered either in free state or orbital motion. In existing knowledge base of this field of study, an electron is considered as an subatomic particle having a fundamental conserved resource called a charge of negative influence. In the year 1891 Stoney recommended a quantity called electron to define this before the recognition of electron as a subatomic particle by Thomson in 1897. In modern times, the electron as a denomination is no longer used in the West. Even at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) it is used as a derived quantity called electron volt. But with all these augmentations taking place, the physicists still consider the electron as a subatomic particle orbiting around its nucleus. According to QDE Theory, an orbit is an established medium in which case an isolated particle cannot exist. Therefore, the electron being a particle according to them will not exhibit an orbital movement. In an established medium like the orbit, a composite object of matter exhibits three different types of motion viz. Angular momentum, angular acceleration and linear acceleration. Out of the three movements, the linear acceleration is a simulated motion that demands an external impetus where the other two are innate to the orbit and move on intrinsic forces alone. In an established medium, the matter can exist only in three forms viz. Earth, liquid, and gas. The fourth form of existence called fire is a direct result of thermal detonator acting on other three forms of matter loosing their lowest energy states by releasing thermal energy as fire due to an external impetus. Therefore, thermal energy is essentially the disorganized motion of atoms from a pre-existed organized formation of the composite edifice. The substance that deals with thermal energy in terms of atoms is called quantum statistical mechanics. All the types above of matter are organized as composite edifices in this established medium of orbital nature with their atoms occupying the lowest momentum state due to the phenomenon of condensation in which case the constituent parts do not either attract or repel each other. Here the subatomic elemental basics are completely free, and the condensation takes place due to the wave function of the symmetry model. Therefore, wave function of the symmetry model is an essential criterion to keep the atoms of an edifice in situ in earth’s orbital atmosphere. According to this effect, the isolated atoms are not found in nature’s orbital atmosphere of the earth. If, for some unknown reason, nature has had isolated atoms in copiously within the perimeter orbital atmosphere of earth, there won’t be any living being on earth. The QDE Theory fully substantiates this aspect of nature’s generosity towards human life. In conformity with the above explications, the notable conclusions we can arrive at are three in number viz. Heat is the motion of atoms in an orbital or cosmic space; radiation is the motion of subatomic particles in inter-planetary space or interstellar space, and virtually there is no way that an atom will shatter into its subatomic constituents naturally within the limits of earth’s orbital atmosphere in the presence of an established medium. Therefore, explosion of an atom is attainable only in the absence of an established medium. Though it is ingenuously impossible to obtain a perfect condition of such a situation in earth’s atmosphere, there is a way of doing this deployment by using electrical detonation to spark on an enriched two or more fissile material in sub-critical masses. The forceful pressure waves of this detonation will result a temporary disorganization of the established medium by way of integrating a significant number of zero determinants in the surrounding fabric of space causing a momentary vacuous state in the area above. Therefore in compliance with QDE Theory, the explosion of an atom within the orbital domain of earth’s atmosphere is feasible only by creating a massive area of vacuous nature preoccupied with cosmological constant in the singular matrix causing an infinitely dense negative pressure therein. This is the fundamental principle governing the manmade atomic explosions executed by the nuclear-powered nations of the world. The non-theoretical aspects of assembling an atomic explosive unit are beyond the scope of this research paper. Anyway before going into the real essence of this contention I would like to enlighten the reader about what I comprehend by the word atom though I am not a wizard in linguistics. The most up to date dictionaries of the world have had difficulty in keeping up with the discoveries and terminology of atomic and nuclear physics.

According to my knowledge etymologically the word “atom” has had derived from the Sanskrit word “atman” which means viz. Whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body, intellect and mind. But the majority of scholars in this field of study do believe that the word atom acquired its derivation from the Greek word “atomos” which means indivisible or something that cannot be segregated over and above that. The very same highbrows have had explicitly accounted the protons, neutrons and electrons to the atom which is totally opposed to the Greek etymology, the historically verifiable source of formation of the word.

Now with this background fundamental enlightenment in hand let me take you back to the second part of the contention i.e. the wave function of symmetry model regarding Quaternion atom. But before going into comprehensive account of this it is of my obligation to call attention to Louis de Broglie, the French physicist who advocated in his doctoral dissertation, the wave nature of matter (electron waves) where he was honored by the scientific world over a Nobel Physics Prize in the year 1929. In atomic physics, this is known as electron cloud or quantum mechanical model of de Broglie which led to the later development of the wave mechanical atomic model. But now this notion of the electron cloud in de Broglie’s atomic model has been disproved in the year 2008 by Quaternion atomic model of QDE Theory. In QDE Theory, the electron cloud of de Broglie is replaced by a notion called waveform of negative electrical phenomena. The waveforms of negative electrical phenomena represent an area where the density of negative forms can be recorded. In the ground state of Quaternion atom, the central vacuum is filled with the potential energy of trapped high-energy particle spin. This is due to the organization of four particle unit making the negative electrical phenomena be four dimensional in total effect. The each effective area can be considered as an orbital in which the corresponding negative electrical phenomenon of the particle has an appreciable magnitude. Therefore, an orbital represents only a discrete amount of negative electrical phenomena. In the Quaternion atomic model, there are four such areas, each showing the significant magnitude of the negative electrical phenomenon. I account this as the quantization of negative electrical phenomena of the Quaternion atom. Now it is quite clear to the reader that the process of quantization is always represented by a number. It is the quantum number of a particular effective area of an atom and is called the orbital quantum number. The total of all the four effective areas of the atom is called the principal quantum number or total quantum number and is the main factor that determines the size of the negative electrical phenomenal area of the atom. The above two quantum numbers are applicable only to a ground state or non-radiating atom.

According to the expositions narrated so far in this paper now, it is very clear to all of us that the four dimensional Quaternion atomic model exhibits a definite overlapping of negative electrical phenomena of two adjacent particles. The combined effect of these two particles makes one orbital of two negative forms of two adjacent particles. Therefore at one given moment, the two negative forms of electrical phenomena do not exhibit the same spatial quantization or quantization of direction. This fulfills the demand of the quantum theory by quantization of direction or orientation of the orbital of negative electrical phenomena thus making the orbital many-fold (manifold) in spatial quantization. The many-fold spatial quantization of the orbital of negative electrical phenomena viz. Magnitude and direction can be expressed in vector quantities. This is how the Quaternion atomic model gets the notion of vector by way of many-fold spatial quantization of negative electrical phenomena. In comparison with atomic vector model, again the major contrariety lies in the electron theory where the Quaternion atomic model does not throw light on particle electron.

The basic Quaternion atomic model discussed in this paper has four components representing matter that are high-energy running (abbreviated r) particles (earth, liquid, and gas) having an axis (on) viz. Earthron, Glueron and Gasron. The Gasron is the basal element of space which moves freely depending upon heat. As I have mentioned earlier in this paper, the fourth component acts as a thermal detonator to other three components to loose their lowest energy states by releasing thermal energy as fire and is called theHeatron. The fire as a matter of perceived thermal energy is a guided outcome of an extrinsic impelling force. The element of Heatron is the thermal detonator to this extrinsic impelling force. In absence of this extrinsic impelling force, the Heatron of Quaternion atom handles triggering a discharge as an intrinsic impelling force, the beginning of an electrical phenomenon in the composite conformation of Quaternion atom. Because of this fractional electrical discharge, the elemental components of Quaternion atom can be called as Quarks. According to QDE Theory, this electrical discharge is always a conserved resource of the matter component and set off as positive and negative contrary charge. The symmetry of Quaternion depends on its elemental pattern which is well expounded in QDE Theory. This composite formation gives rise to bipolar effect in all the four elements and becomes hadronic i.e. they strongly interact. These elements with hadronic effect can be called as hadrons. The cycle of contrary charge, a resource coming out as an impetuous gush of positive and negative forms in consequence of all these effects is called the wave function of symmetry model. Therefore what is understood by the wave function of the symmetry model is the scattering of electric discharge on a well-guided path within the framework of the vector component of the Quaternion model.

At the beginning of this contention, I briefly stated that the final settlement of neutrons in the interstellar space is the formation of Quaternion, the subtle spiritless composite motive force of the cosmos. The QDE Theory explicitly says that this penetrating entity is vacuous in nature because of its central hollow. In reality, it is a vacuum with four imaginary compartments which satisfy certain conditions of the entity when compound status is gained due to mathematical proportions (condensation due to wave function of the symmetry model). The high-energy of free neutrons trapped inside this vacuum is called as vacuum energy in particle physics. The newly formed cosmic entity works only on three motive forces of the cosmos viz. Weak force, strong force, and electromagnetic force at this fundamental stage. The overall vacuous nature of the entity with no mathematical proportions gained yet; the fourth universal force is not in force. The fourth force to be in force this entity must move down into an established medium which is the perimeter orbit of the earth’s atmosphere. In nature, this happens due to matrix formation leading to a ground state stable object of no hydrostatic equilibrium conformation. The absence of hydrostatic equilibrium conformation is due to the existence of space-time continuum in an established medium like the orbit of earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, it is quite clear to the reader now that the elements unlike in the interstellar space are not free in an established medium of orbital nature of the earth and become symptom i.e. they contribute to a sign of the existence of something.

Now what is left behind is the final part of the appellation of this research paper that is to say where and how the wave function of symmetry model of Quaternion suggests the most remunerate assumptions of theoretical physics of recent times, the spontaneous symmetry breaking of subatomic particles and asymptotic freedom of quarks which led to the awarding of two Nobel Physics Prizes in years 2004 and 2008 respectively. The effectual mechanics of the two phenomena have been discussed in detail in a research paper published earlier in this website but for the sake of completeness of this contention I may restate it again here.

It is well set out in detail now that the above two mechanics of fundamental physics operate in the emptiness of space. The most acceptable domain for this is the just beyond the earth’s perimeter orbit in interstellar space where the metaphysical element of QDE Theory takes place.

The trapped vacuum energy of central vacuum does not assent any scattering of electric discharge of the vector component of Quaternion atom to infiltrate into this space. The only accessible course is the perimeter four quarks of Quaternion atom strongly in contiguity with each other. The bipolar effect gets cancel out at four proximal points of subatomic particles to spark an electrical discharge in the elemental frame of Quaternion atom. The new reorganization of contrary charge of electric discharge in this elemental frame will weaken the hadronic effect of Quaternion atom. The default in the bipolar effect will further weaken the hadronic effect. At one point of this weakening of hadronic effect, the four perimeter hadrons tend to move apart. This is called the spontaneous symmetry breaking of subatomic particles. The resultant redistribution of electric discharge in the four non-aligned spinning particles go into polarization (bipolar effect). The polarization of free particles interact (hadronic effect) to form the Quaternion atom. At the point of turning the effect of hadrons moving apart, the interacting forces are weak, and when they are about to get close-range, the interacting forces become strong. This explicates the weak and strong forces of the universe which are short lived. The total effect is electro-magnetic in nature and is called the unification of forces in Quaternion atom. The term quark implies because of this fractional electric charge the subatomic particles demonstrate in the inter-planetary domain of space. Therefore, there is no space-time curve taking part in this dynamical move of quarks and the quarks constantly come closer to a given curve but do not make contact with it at a finite distance. This way of acting of quarks is called the asymptotic freedom of quarks.

Before concluding this paper, I would like to point out one more trait of the Quaternion atomic model where the advanced mathematics is concern. The dynamism of above two mechanics of the Quaternion atomic model though under continuous deformation does not interfere into the spatial properties and, therefore, can be expressed in the foundational aspect of topology called point-set-topology. The manifold spatial quantization of negative electrical phenomena of the vector component of Quaternion atomic model can be expressed in notions of geometric topology. When the effective composite motive force of the Quaternion atomic model is taken into consideration, it satisfy the mathematical definitive concepts like convergence, connectedness, and continuity and can be expressed in notions of topological spaces in which the constituent points functions as a scalar component. This is called function space.

Now it is quite clear to the reader that the above two explicated dynamism of the elements of Quaternion atom take place in a domain which is beyond the reach of any human being. Therefore, any explications done on these two mechanics invariably become a theoretical assumption in fundamental physics because the computationally arrived results cannot be proved hundred percent successful in comparison of something that happens beyond the command of world scientists in reality.

A great philosopher is always a great physicist because his endowment to the insight of nature is great – Sanathdeva Murutenge.

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