The Search for Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe | Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory and Black Hole Singularity

The Search for Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe | Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory and Black Hole Singularity

The outstanding feature of Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge abbreviated QDE Theory is its explicit focus on the evolution of universal matrix by high-energy particle collision at 360 degrees of its shift. It also throws light on to the neutrality of the four particles in solitude, they are hadronic in organization and acquire the property of magnetic moment in…

A New Dimension to the Quark-Gluon Plasma Paradox of High-Energy Physics | Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory and the Optically Inactive Chiral-Symmetry Restoration of Cosmic Space

A New Dimension to the Quark-Gluon Plasma Paradox of High-Energy Physics | Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory and the Optically Inactive Chiral-Symmetry Restoration of Cosmic Space

In view of the ongoing experiment ALICE (A Large Ion Collision Experiment) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), I feel it is quite right on my part to give an abstract recital on real fundamental principles governing the “quark-gluon plasma” paradox of high-energy physics in knowing the restoration of optically inactive chiral-symmetry plasma…