The outstanding feature of Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge abbreviated QDE Theory is its explicit focus on the evolution of universal matrix by high-energy particle collision at 360 degrees of its shift. It also throws light on to the neutrality of the four particles in solitude, they are hadronic in organization and acquire the property of magnetic moment in between the fractional point of the two momentary existential positions i.e. neutral particles or free energy and organization or Quaternion atom. This transient property of magnetic moment gives a new nomenclature to these invisible, indivisible particles as neutrons. This is how the QDE Theory spells out fundamentals of the Quaternion atom, the basic energy unit of the universal matrix. These fundamentals act as dimensionless matrix elements of the cosmic web and acquire the energy state of potentiality. Because of this potential energy state it is extremely hot and is liable to be influenced by electromagnetic fields. What is important here is because of its infiniteness it is gravitationally confined, inhomogeneous and anisotropic due to the confining gravitational fields. The very same potentiality of this astrophysical plasma can turn out to be anything and everything of the boundless four-dimensional continuum in which matter can be physically extended. Therefore, it is geometrically complicated and can be mathematically defined in terms of tensor calculus, mechanics of coordinate systems and motion of particles. The basic frameworks of all these principles have been well expounded in QDE Theory by diagrammatic representations.
The fundamental principle of QDE Theory in its first phase is the collision of four neutral particles. In this theory, it is considered as the origin of the physical universe. The more attractive sound to this phenomenon is the “big bang”, the CERN scientists common hypothesis. The final result of this high-energy collision is the square matrix formation. The determining factor of a square matrix is its definite value. In quantum mathematics, this value is explained as the determinant of the matrix. In the context of the universal web, the determinant is represented by energy. Therefore, the value of the determinant is zero. When the determinant is zero, the matrix is defined as a singular matrix. These quantum mathematical arguments of QDE Theory substantiate the fact that the universal web or the interstellar space is a singular matrix with a function of infinite value at its center. The infinite central values upgrade the singular matrix on to a potential energy state thus making it more susceptible to electromagnetic fields. This can be called as potential energy of the configuration of the gravitationally confined space because it is the result of the relative position of dimensionless matrix elements. Therefore in a manner corresponding to QDE Theory, the singularity is a “big bang singularity”.
Now let us focus our attention on the elements of potential energy points of the singular matrix which can be described in terms of scalar fields. The QDE Theory defines them as vacuous infinitely dense dark areas where no matter is found. Because of the absence of any form of matter they do not exhibit diffraction thus making it intensely dark in resolution. Therefore in conformity with QDE Theory, the black hole singularity is a dimensionless point, and the surrounding is a dimensionless matrix. For this reason, any direct observation of a physical nature cannot be ordinarily connected with the magnitude of the measured quantity. Hence, we see that the quantity has no dimensions. Therefore, it has to be expressed in terms of dimensionless variables. These are mathematics applied to deterministic problems encountered in nature. In the course of solving these problems a causal connection between facts has to be formulated by way of a theory. At this stage, one may encounter inevitable gaps when trying to equalize a process of nature that has to be filled with a universal constant. According to QDE Theory, all these processes of nature take place in a dimensionless matrix and can be called as dimensionless physical constants. The important such constants used in QDE Theory are gravitational constant [G], Planck’s constant [h] related to quantize black body radiation of Quaternion atom at its mass destruction and constants describing the strengths of electron weak and electro strong forces of the Quaternion atomic model and four dimensionless constants describing the masses of the four particles where one is an integer. Though it is more related to Einstein’s theory of relativity, the speed of light in a vacuum [C] is also included as a gesture of highlighting the rate of motion in a given direction where all these processes of nature take place. The potential energy of configuration related to potential energy points of the singular matrix is also a constant in QDE Theory and is called the cosmological constant. The cosmological constant is defined in terms of black hole singularity in QDE Theory and is equivalent to vacuum energy. According to QDE Theory, this vacuum is a quantized field divisible to four individual areas of corresponding particles. The black hole singularity is a dimensionless point surrounded by dimensionless matrix elements and is a vacuous state with high-energy trapped inside. For this reason, black hole singularities do not form manifold structures. There are trillions of such points in the whole of the universal matrix. They are the dark matter and dark energy in the universe. They are not moving charges of particles hence can be brought in to Coulomb’s Law to calculate the force between two singularities. This is the constant ofCoulomb’s Law. If you go further into finer details of the Quaternion atomic model of QDE Theory few more dimensionless constants can be defined. The strength of electromagnetic interactions of the four constituent particles is one of them that can be explained in terms of fine structure constant. In a model less dimensionless constants or fundamental constants are used it gets elevated to be considered as a good candidate for a Grand Unified Theory [GUT] or more colloquially termed Theory of Everything [TOE]. When compared to the standard model having 25 fundamental dimensionless constants, the QDE Theory has lesser dimensionless constants in its Quaternion atomic model.
Theoretical characteristics of a black hole i.e. its mass, its spin and its charge are well explicated in QDE Theory. The mass of a black hole is due to its dimensionless matrix elemental perimeter. The spin of a black hole as I have mentioned at the beginning of this article is due to the property of magnetic moment where neutron radiation takes place. Dr. Evalyn Gates, a cosmological physicist at Kavli Institute, USA in her recently published book titled Einstein’s Telescope describes this phenomenon in a more literary fashion as “Bubbling cauldron of particles that flicker into existence, and back out again in the briefest moment of time”. According to Professor Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University, black holes are not black. They radiate energy in the form of particles. TheQDE Theory explains this as neutron radiation at the briefest moment of mass destruction of the Quaternion atomic model. The charge of a black hole is the result of vacuum energy it holds at the supersymmetrystage of the Quaternion atomic model. The quantum number which is relevant to supersymmetry is spin. The high-energy particle spin and trapped energy in the central vacuum is well explained in QDE Theory. Here the supersymmetryparticle is Gasron, the hypothesized God Particle; the CERN scientists are yet to find it in the circular underground tunnel of LHC. Gasron is the dark matter particle because, without its collision, the supersymmetry of the Quaternion atomic structure and the central vacuum space is not formed. In the standard model, the particles are described as points in space with zero dimensions. As we all know such a thing cannot spin. A particle to spin you needs to have a minimum of two dimensions to state precisely a point or an axis about a particle spin. The QDE Theory explains this in exactness giving the geometric of particles. The spin is also quantized in QDE Theory.
The term dark energy was coined by the theoretical cosmologist, Michael S Turner. The central vacuum energy of the Quaternion model creates a scalar field with a tensor of rank zero because it has no direction. A scalar field is always contrasted by other physical quantities of contravariant form. The best example for this is the vector field that exhibits the contra-variant tensor of rank one, a quantity having direction as well as magnitude. The perimeter of the central vacuum of the Quaternion atomic model which consists of four dimensionless matrix elements acts as a vector field of a contra-variant tensor. At the time of collision of supersymmetry particles [Gasron] with the asymmetric Trinity of the Holy Mass having only the three forms of celestial nature, a quantized vacuum area is formed thus creating a scalar field of negative quantum energy. This negative quantum energy is the blocked energy of the high-energy particle shift that was present before the formation of supersymmetry architecture of the Quaternion atomic model. The supersymmetry particle being an integer is considered as a zero spin quantum number. Therefore, the vector field of the perimeter of the central vacuum energy can be specified with respect to a given set of Cartesian axes by three components called a tensor. A collection of indices as subscripts and / or superscripts called notations can be used to make the mathematical development of tensor analysis compact.
With all these explanations, it is quite clear to the reader that the dark energy of QDE Theory is having a negative feedback effect in the central vacuum space. A rise in the output energy is arranged to cause a further decrease in the input energy of the vacuum space. This may happen when a matrix is formed as the cosmic web. Therefore what happens in a black hole, in general, is the coupling of the output of a process to the input.
In QDE Theory, this is a singular matrix embedded with trillions of vacuoles filled with the negative quantized energy of scalar field having the potentiality of neutron radiation. In cosmological physics, this phenomenon is described as the expansion of the universe. The singularities of the singular matrix are called black hole singularities. This is how the QDE Theory lends a helping hand in the search of dark matter and dark energy in the universe. But we have always to keep in mind that the diminutive phenomenological process of nature acts within a reduced framework of matter [M] and form [E].
Before concluding this article, I would like to harness the reader’s attention to few more advances in this field of study which may be explicated by the basis of QDE Theory.
As I mentioned earlier in this article, there are trillions of black hole singularities in the cosmic web of dimensionless matrix elemental substratum. The architecture of the cosmos is such that the four forms of celestial nature of the cosmic substratum behave as a bi-concave lens to the particular event horizon of the two adjacent black hole singularities. This architectural design is made use of to detect stellar black holes in a method called gravitational lensing. The black holes cannot exist without its perimeter dimensionless matrix elements. Therefore by this method we can detect extra solar masses. The QDE Theory has explained how the gravitational field of a mass distorts the four-dimensional space-time continuum in space. This is due to the coupling of the four-dimensional space-time with negative cosmological constant thus forming a large distortion in space-time. Theoretically these areas are called super massive black holes.The development of the X-ray telescope has enlightened us in this field of study. The bulk of the universal cluster mass is seen as dark matter, and the rest of the normal mass is in very hot gas. According to QDE Theory, the bulk of cluster mass is vacuum energy, and the remaining hot gas is a rise in the ongoing output energy process in dimensionless matrix elements.
By all these explications of this article what is accentuate in QDE Theory is the fact that in high-energy particle collision a matrix is formed as an output process and at the same time a feedback effect of this may result an inverse rise of the input in the form of negative charge to an infinite value in a central space called a singularity where the perimeter mass will also be infinitely dense so that the vector field of this mass cannot be specified with respect to a given set of Cartesian axes to counteract this negative feedback effect. At a critical moment of this ongoing process, the mass will get sucked into this hole without any trace. This is what I conveyed to the Director, CERN in 2008 just before the LHC started its operations. Now the CERN has already admitted that the reason for the sudden closure of the LHC was not due to a technical failure as previously stated but because its controversial particle collision had contributed a tiny black hole in the fabric of space.
As a concluding point, I may like to say some very important things about dark matter, black holes and dark energy in the universe that would make a future expedition of this field of study much easier and less time consuming. The QDE Theory has already given you the keyword to this fundamental principle of research. If future research on this field is focused onto the missing fundamentality of the universe i.e. the human consciousness we may be able to know anything and everything of dark matter, black holes and dark energy in the universe inside a small four walled room without gazing at the sky all the time.