

Highly authentic and insightful work ever published on current global corona catastrophe. It is an independently done interdisciplinary medical research based on respiratory physiology, quantum mechanics, high-energy astrophysics and anthropic cosmology. The most significant feature of this work is it sheds a new ray of light on human respiratory mechanism diverting from established world scholarship of this notion.Although very lucidly written, the reader must have some fairly good knowledge about the difficult concepts of theoretical physics, respiratory physiology and radiological diagnosis in order to understand this work comprehensively.The author’s complementary analysis has paved the way to a new dimension of understanding of the emergence of global corona pandemic.
(In English) First Published January 2021 Sooriya Publishers,Colombo, Sri Lanka.
ISBN 978-955-656-611-6

Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory: A Paradigm Shift to Theories of Modern Physics, the Theory of Everything

The Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory is an unconventional quantum theory having its roots in the domain of first philosophy wherein the mathematical quantities do not emerge at the beginning. The Quaternion atomic model interpose in this theory explicates all the fundamental laws of universe from beginning to the arrow of time. The main two facets of the theory are the unifying aptitude of four fundamental forces on a single manifestation and the missing fundamentality, the consciousness spoken in terms of quantum superposition and quantum entanglement thus upgrading the theory to the final theory of everything. The theory at large is a good example to an eventful world wherein the matter is derived from a logical framework and physics does not assume the materialistic world alone.
(In English) First Published August 2008 Author Publication, Second Edition 2012 Sooriya Publishers, Colombo Sri Lanka. 
ISBN 978-955-656-231-6

Beyond Einstein’s Relativity towards the Final Goal of Quantum Dynamical Evolution Reality: Sixteen Research Papers That Changed the Face of Modern Physics

The discussions made in this companion volume are focussed on popular fundamental research topics currently in stages of reasoning by the western nuclear and space research organizations. The conclusions made following each symposium are sometimes look contrary to the accepted world view but I must accentuate to the fact that they are of no way imparted in detrimental viewpoint to the ongoing massive fundamental research programs of the west. The sixteen research themes based on QDE THEORY have paved the way to many new fundamental scientific inventions of the world. I hope the scientific community of the world at large may benefit from my inspirations

(In English) First Published 2012 Sooriya Publishers, Colombo Sri Lanka.
ISBN 978-955-656-230-9

Scientific Basis of the Systematic Philosophy of Buddhism: Metaphysical and Metapsychological Analysis of Phenomena of Molecular Consciousness of Theravada Abhidhamma.

This book originates from a research study on interdisciplinary consciousness research. The study looks at the subject of Theravada Buddhist Psychology on different perspectives in comparison with quantum mechanics and biological cybernetics. The work clearly explicates for the first time the central problem of Anthropic Cosmological Principle thus bridging the gap between science and philosophy.

Scientific Basis of the Systematic Philosophy of Buddhism: Metaphysical and Metapsychological Analysis of Phenomena of Molecular Consciousness of Theravada Abhidhamma.In English) First Published 2006,as an Author Publication,Dehiwala , Colombo Sri Lanka.
ISBN 978-955-656-230-9

Astral Body Kamma and the Deceptive World

The first authentic work on Parapsychology published in Sri Lanka. The first half of the book deals with the scientific details of mind-body science to a very great extent. The second half of realistic experiences written lucidly clearly exhibits the high literary capabilities of the author on unconventional fields of study.

Astral Body Kamma and the Deceptive World – ( In Sinhala) 2000, Sooriya Publishers, Colombo Sri Lanka.
ISBN 955-8425-08-7

Astral Body Death and the Cycle of Transmigration

The book claims to be the highly authoritative and informative work on Astral Bodies, Astral Projections, Death and Mediums. The author’s graphic explications based on his personal practical encounters therein are the first of this kind ever published in this field of study.

Astral Body Death and the Cycle of Transmigration – (In Sinhala) 1999, Sooriya Publishers, Colombo Sri Lanka

ISBN 955-9348-76-0

Astral Body Universal Truth and the Related Myth

This book claims to be the third consequence part of the trilogy written by the author on Parapsychology. It claims to be a very insightful work on this field of study with medical ethics on the side.

Astral Body Universal Truth and the Related Myth – (In Sinhala) 2003, Author Publication, Dehiwala Sri Lanka.
ISBN 955-97940-0-0

Author’s Residance:
Sanathdeva Murutenge.
No 04 Sri Medhankara Road,Dehiwala,
Colombo ,SRI LANKA.
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