About the Author

A great philosopher is always a great physicist because his endowment to the insight of nature is great – Sanathdeva Murutenge

An impact of philosophical intuition is always greater than any other ways of incitement – Sanathdeva Murutenge

In the absence of dynamism there is no object of focus in the whole of universe – Sanathdeva Murutenge

P.M. Sanathdeva Murutenge (Patiraja Mudiyanselage Sanathdeva Murutenge) is a Sri Lankan born Medical Doctor. He had his primary and secondary education at Royal College, Colombo. In 1990 he graduated from Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo earning a degree in Medical Sciences and joined the Department of Health in the State sector as a Medical Officer. In 2014 he retired from Government Service after serving the health department for more than two decades. 

He is a bilingual writer well conversed in both Sinhala and English languages with an interdisciplinary deliverance. His exceptional literary capability on unconventional fields of study was made to public notice in year 1999 by publishing the first authentic work on Parapsychology, Manokaya Maranaya ha Sasara Pragamanaya (Astral Body Death and the Cycle of Transmigration), ISBN 955-9348-76-0, Sooriya Publishers, Colombo, Sri Lanka. His graphic explanations lucidly written based on practical encounters therein are the first of this kind published in Sri Lanka in the field of parapsychology. In year 2000 he published the second part of the earlier work explicating the scientific aspect of mind-body science to a very great extent, Manokaya Karmaya ha Mayalokaya (Astral Body Karma and the Deceptive World), ISBN 955-8425-08-7, Sooriya Publishers, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The third consequence part came into public attention in year 2003 and reputed to be a very insightful work on parapsychology with medical ethics on the side, (Manokaya Viswa Yatharthaya ha Thadanubadhdha Mithyawa (Astral Body Universal Truth and the Related Myth), ISBN 955-97940-0-0, Author Publication, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka. 

In 2006 he did pioneer work on Human Consciousness by theorizing a Mind Atom explaining the Genetic Component therein. He published this work as a thesis, Scientific Basis of the Systematic Philosophy of Buddhism: Metaphysical and Metapsychological Analysis of Phenomena of Molecular Consciousness of Theravada Abhidhamma, ISBN 955-97940-1-9, Author Publication, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka. This work originated as a research study on interdisciplinary human consciousness research and shed light on Theravada Buddhist Psychology in different perspectives in comparison with Quantum Mechanics and Biological Cybernetics. Through this work he was successful in making the use of two fundamental quantum mechanical phenomena, the quantum entanglement and quantum superposition in explaining human consciousness. Also this work very clearly explicates the central problem of Anthropic Cosmological Principle thus bridging the gap of science and philosophy. From this pioneer work Sanathdeva Murutenge emerged as a Scientific-Philosopher of Sri Lanka. 

As a scientific-philosopher of Sri Lanka he has made many valuable theoretical breakthroughs highly sensitive to the pinnacle of global scientific success in the field of Modern Physics by making theoretical breakthroughs and has shown immense potentiality of perceiving nature through the faculty of reasoning by his published works of Theoretical high-energy Astrophysics. His scholarly contributions to our understanding of the physical universe are many and the most remarkable abstractions are the Quaternion Atomic Structure, the Origin of Gravitational Force, the explication of Antimatter Energy and its important applicability to the viability of human race, the anti gravity property of two dimensional carbon, the unification of four fundamental forces of universe on a single manifestation, the Origin of universe, the Radiating universe, the Dark Matter of universe, the Magnetic Monopoles, the Thermal State, the cosmological Constant, the Singularity, the Time Scale of Universe, the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation, the elemental synthesis of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen in the plasma confinement of earth’s orbital nature, the Delimitation of earth’s orbital nature into three zones by taking the presence of natural isotopic forms of Hydrogen as an indicator, the explication of missing fundamentality of universe the Human Consciousness as a Quantum Psychophysical Functional Module and the effect of Blue Color of Sky. 

In year 2008 by shifting his thoughts on to a new paradigm, he developed his theory of everything, the Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory (QDE Theory) as a monograph and its second edition came into public view in year 2012, Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory: A Paradigm Shift to Theories of Modern Physics, the theory of everything, ISBN 978-955-656-231-6, Sooriya Publishers, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory is an unconventional quantum theory having its roots in the domain of first philosophy. The main quality of this theory is, it does not describe mathematical quantities at the beginning. The Quaternion Atomic model interpose in this theory explicates all the four fundamental forces of the universe from beginning to the arrow of time. The main two facets of the theory are the unifying aptitude of four fundamental forces on a single manifestation and the missing fundamental, the human consciousness integrated into the other four forces of universe and as a result he goes to the history as  the first scientist in the world to do this type of psycho-physical unification in describing the theory of everything. The theory at large is a good example to an eventful universe wherein the matter is derived from a logical framework and physics does not assume the materialistic world alone. 

In year 2012, Sanathdeva Murutenge made a breakthrough by publishing sixteen research articles based on his QDE Theory, Beyond Einstein’s Relativity Towards The Final Goal of Quantum Dynamical Evolution Reality: Sixteen Research Papers that Changed the Face of Modern Physics, ISBN 978-955-656-230-9, Sooriya Publishers, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Through this work he was successful in further proving the unification of gravity which he had done in his QDE Theory published in 2008. Anyone who carefully peruses these articles may understand beyond any kind of doubt that the author Sanathdeva Murutenge has stumbled upon the Holy Grail of Fundamental Physics. The most western theories suggestive of this laudable argument are still contingent upon Newtonian Physics imaging the immutable gravity in quantifiable equations. But Sanathdeva Murutenge in this work has unearthed the missing quantum gravity concealed in an unconventional quantum theory. The application of quantum mechanics into Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity gives an equation symmetric only on reversal of time. Therefore any conventional attempts may lead to time-symmetrical assumptions leaving the arrow of time inexplicable. But Sanathdeva Murutenge has gone beyond the quantifiable language of pragmatism through this work by explicating the salient facet of nature. Therefore by going through these works of Sanathdeva Murutenge it is quite clear that he has mainly focused on popular fundamental research topics currently in stages of reasoning by the western nuclear and space research organizations in making his own logical conclusions of describing them.

It is a notable fact that Sanathdeva Murutenge in his blueprint of the Hydrogen Bomb, Gravitationally Confined Liquid Tritium Vacuum Model (GCLTV Model) has made use of the two dimensional carbon as an anti gravity agent thus becoming the first Sri Lankan to contribute new scholarship to the field of nuclear science and has emerged as a nuclear scientist of this region of world. The anti gravity property of two dimensional carbon was made to public attention by him in a research article, Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory and the Antimatter Bomb: The Real Science Behind the Fictional Axiom of Angels and Demons, published in his website www.quantumpsychophysical.com in August 05th 2009. 

Sri Lanka as an independent state does not dominate the current world intellectual competency of fundamental research in space related nuclear and theoretical high-energy astrophysics knowledge base. But Sanathdeva Murutenge as an independent research scientist has been successful in contributing valuable scholarship to the world scientific community in this field of study. He is one of the many scientific philosophers the world has seen and encountered with an interdisciplinary deliverance who has unfold many unsolved scientific problems in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, philosophy and high-energy astrophysics. He leads a quiet life with his wife at Dehiwala in Sri Lanka.                  

Author’s Residance:
Sanathdeva Murutenge.
No 04 Sri Medhankara Road,Dehiwala,
Colombo ,SRI LANKA.
Email – Info@quantumpsychophysical.com