Dan Brown’s year 2000 thriller “Angels & Demons” narrate a plot on stealing antimatter from the European Organization for Nuclear Research [CERN] located in Geneva, Switzerland by murdering a physicist working on this line of particle research to use it as an antimatter bomb against the Catholic hierarchy by a centuries old clandestine organization called Illuminati. In spite of the fact that this being a creative work of a novelist and also the CERN administration has clearly stated that the realistic application of this type of nuclear energy in the military domain is yet to be discovered, the Vatican would have got alarmed by this story on account of their past deeds of animosity with innovations detrimental to “creative theory” where the CERN is currently engaged in. The CERN has categorically denied many times that it does not conduct secret research of this nature. Before going into details of the real science behind the fictional axiom of Angels & Demons let me go into the thesis of Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge to see any relevance to antimatter is made in its commentary.

The Quaternion atomic model of QDE Theory has two basic components viz. the perimeter four quarks, the earthron, heatron, gluron and the supersymmetric particle, gasron of the asymmetric trinity of the holy mass and a central vacuum always filled with an electric charge, the QDE Theory explicates as a contrary charge. The central hallow can be divided into four imaginary areas corresponding to perimeter four quarks that represent mass of the Quaternion atom. According to QDE Theory these areas of vacuum representing the matter’s secret twin can be called antimatterIn the case of three quarks that represent matter of the Quaternion atom, the spin quantum number is restricted to a single value because they rotate about one’s own axis in one direction. This is further clarified by an oscillogram showing the densities of electrical phenomena restricted to two values of particle spin giving the up and down ratio as 3:1. The supersymmetric particle, gasron being an integral has a zero spin quantum number (See – Murutenge, Sanathdeva, P.M., Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge: A Paradigm Shift to Theories of Modern Physics, the theory of everything, pp.30-33). Therefore the vector field of the perimeter mass of the Quaternion atomic model can be specified with respect to a given set of Cartesian axes by three components called atensor. In this context the term tensor is employed with reference to a situation, which is characterized by strain. The next question is why this strain? The answer is very simple. The strain is to keep the Quaternion atomic black hole interface stable. I have very clearly explicated that the dark energy of QDE Theory is having a negative feedback effect in the central vacuum space and any rise in the output energy is arranged to cause further decrease in the input energy of the vacuum (See – Article – Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory and Black Hole Singularity, The Search for Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, published in this website on 24th June 2009). In technical terms this can be explained as a black hole entropy to give clear expression to the results of energy dynamics calculated by postulating equivalent theoretical reversible changes towards a maximum corresponding to complete disorder of the particles in it.

The entropy always tends to increase with the time leading to the ultimate destruction of the isolated system. As claimed by QDE Theory the whole universe is a black hole entropy and day by day passing with time we are heading towards a doomsday of our own universal existence. An explosion of such a matrix evolved under nature’s gravitational field effect may take an inconceivable long space of time, an aeon (See- Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge: A Paradigm Shift to Theories of Modern Physics, the theory of everything, No.4 of Bibliographical and Descriptive Notes in p.47). The QDE Theory defined the universal matrix as gravitationally confined. The QDE Theoryfurthermore explicates in certainty that the particles of Quaternion atoms are hadronic in organization and neutral in solitude, as a result the point in between the two states acquire the property of magnetic moment that radiate neutrons into the space. The most consequential innovation in QDE Theory is the explication of hadron current flow within the atomic mass leading to its mass destruction in comparison to transition of electromagnetic force. Therefore in this situation hundred percent of the nuclear mass is converted to neutron radiation of electromagnetic nature. This is an added advantage when designing a blueprint of antimatter weapons in Asia because such a mass destructive weapon can be more effective than any other conventional type of nuclear weapon currently in arsenal by the Americans, Western Europeans and the Eastern Europe nuclear-powered nations. The Quaternion atomic model of QDE Theory indisputably elucidates that the neutron radiation in the form of pure energy is four times more powerful than its mass, giving the mass to energy ratio 1:4. Therefore when an antimatter bomb explodes, the destructive nuclear energy released will be four times bigger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan during the Second World War.

As most physicists affirm, the collision of matter with antimatter is a theoretical mistake. According to QDE Theory, the collision takes place between neutral particles called quarks. The sixteenth-century German philosopher called Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniznamed this neutrality of space as monads which mean simple substances with no parts. There is no way to collide matter with antimatter for the plain reason that the antimatteris a subsequent result of the high-energy collision at its 360 degrees of particle shift. The CERN physicists have been repeatedly saying that the moment of contact of matterwith antimatter will lead to the immediate annihilation of antimatter. But now we know that this statement has no theoretical or empirical appraise. The collision of atoms may lead to the matrix formation that will subsequently increase the perimeter mass of the black hole entropy to make it infinitely dense so that the vector field of this mass cannot be specified with respect to a given set of Cartesian axes to counteract the negative feedback effect trapped as contrary charge. This type of nuclear explosion will cause terminal devastation of the isolated system.

The production of antimatter and its containment are the two major obstacles; the nuclear laboratories of the western world are facing today to create an antimatter weapon. What the FermiLab and the CERN affirm as “the production of antiprotons” in their nuclear research programs is a debatable question because; antimatter is formed only as a contrary charge. When it is radiating due to the magnetic moment, it is neutral in nature and behaves as pure energy. This neutron radiation can only be trapped by magnetic traps due to the very same reason for their magnetic moment. The technical details of this method of magnetic trapping of neutron radiation by using transition elements do not come under the purview of this article.

The origin of antimatter radiation is an on-off  phenomenon according to QDE Theory. For this reason any attempt to produce antimatter energy has to be on this feedback principle. This in turn will keep the expenditure cost of the whole project at a very low level once the technology is developed and completed once and for all. The technology has to be focused on how to recycle the mass to energy and back on a nonstop on-of sequential manner. A method to store the produced antimatter on any scale is not possible to invent according to the principles governing QDE Theory right now. Nature has not given that chance to us may be due to our own safety. Therefore, the production and the utilization of antimatter as an energy source have to be done simultaneously. This is achieved by keeping the atomic mass at its potential energy level and by using a propellant to ignite the on-off cycle whenever the antimatter energy is needed. The technical details of this process are highly sensitive in the military domain. Now it is very clear to the reader that there is no method of keeping antimatter stored in some place permanently or for a short period of time. The QDE Theory incontrovertibly explicates this factor in its explanation of the kinetic reversibility blueprint of the Quaternion atom. Before going into further details of this article I may like to point out one more important thing related to current thinking of the storage of antimatter. The physicists strongly believe that the antimatter could be stored inside fullerenes. Here the negatively charged antiparticles are hypothetically kept at a distance by an electron cloud around the sphere of Carbon thus preventing any contact with normal proton [Hydrogen ion] that may trigger off subsequent annihilation of antimatter. This hypothesis is completely wrong because of the fact that the electron cloud itself is an electromagnetic field effect well expounded in QDE Theory in a non-radiating atom. According to this theory the central vacuum of a non-radiating Quaternion atom is filled with potential energy of trapped high-energy particle spin. This is what I explained as the coupling effect of the output process to the input at the interface point. In QDE Theory the electrical phenomena of the four particle unit is four dimensional in total effect. Each effective area is an orbital with a discrete amount of negative electrical phenomena. Altogether there are four such effective areas in a Quaternion atom. Therefore the negative electrical phenomena of the Quaternion atom are quantized. Such a quantity cannot vary continuously because the differences in value are separated by ‘jumps’ and for this reason such a cloud cannot act as a complete shield to negatively charged antiparticles (See – Ibid., pp.27-29).

The existence of antimatter was predicted by P.A.M. Dirac in 1928 by his famous electron theory which describes the behavior of Fermions. According to this theory, in an electron negative as well as positive energies are allowed. Here the possible energy states of a free electron is described as a continuum extending from E = +mc2 up to E = -mc2 down. InQDE Theory, the result of fractional electrical charges, are explained as the result of the flow of hadron current within the imperceptible framework of the four quarks of the Quaternion atom. At a given moment when these fractional electrical charges are measured by an oscillogram, density of positive and negative forms is measured as upward and downward deflections. By careful perusal of the oscillogram it is quite evident that at one given moment the total of the electrical charges is always three i.e. when the upward deflection is two, the downward deflection is always one. This is due to the fact that out of the four quarks one is gaseous in nature and acts only as an integralNow with this supersymmetry particle joining with the asymmetric trinity of the holy mass, the four corresponding imaginary demarcated vacuum spaces are created at the center of the Quaternion atom. They represent the four hidden quarks and may allow the free passage of hadron current in this vacuum space. These electrical charges can be called elementary charges of hidden quarks but out of the four spaces one acting only as an integral. Therefore according to QDE Theory in actual quantity wise there are only six quarks to be noted with corresponding six elementary charges (See – Ibid., pp.29-34). But the Fermions, the particles which conform to Fermi-Dirac Statistics, the total number is twenty-four, the six are Quarks and six are Leptons with their corresponding antiparticles make the total of twenty-four. This you get in the Standard Model put forward in the early 1970s. The discrepancy of quarks statistics of the two theories are due to the fact that in the Standard Model, the various random combinations of the asymmetric trinity of the holy mass along with the Theory of Quantum Chromodynamics in which hadrons are assumed to be composite particles, their constituents being quarksPhotoelectric Effect in which a light beam hits a metallic target, causes it to emit electronsand Quantum Electrodynamics where all the phenomena which involve light and atoms have been described. This is how the two theses namely the QDE Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge and the Theory of Standard Model shed light on the existence of antimatter.

Now with this background knowledge in hand let me take you back to the main theme of this article, the Antimatter Bomb. The subject of antimatter bomb not only touches the field of theoretical particle physics but also goes back and piques the knowledge of the first, highest or the most general principles of the universe called metaphysics. This is well explained in QDE Theory at the beginning of its commentary as the arbitrary shift of energy in the absence of space-time and other domains of physics. The CERN has been repeatedly saying that it is not at all practicable to turn out an antimatter bomb. The energy released in an antimatter bomb is calculated by the E = mc2 equation where ‘c ‘ is equal to 300,000,ooo m/s. This is well explained in QDE Theory as well in the description of mass destruction of the Quaternion atom. Unlike the conventional nuclear bombs made by the super-powered nations, the antimatter bomb differs from them by a major structural organization. This is owing to the fact that in an antimatter bomb the main core has to be an artificially made infinitely condensed fabric of space kept under control by a perimeter nuclear matrix mass at potential energy state. The principle is to keep the dark energy (antimatter energy) trapped in a vacuum under the influence of gravitate force. This is the nuclear vacuum energy gravitationally confined by a surrounding reflector made out of two-dimensional carbon isotopes. The two-dimensional carbon isotopes are used as a reflectorin order to prevent the antigravity property of antimatter getting activated. If this gets activated, the antimatter bomb gets exploded releasing antimatter energy of approximately four times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan during the latter part of the Second World War by the allied forces led by USA, France and England. The use of two-dimensional carbon isotopes is very important in an antimatter bomb as a reflector owing to the fact that it has a zero quantized negative electrical phenomena leaving no opportunity for the trapped antimatter energy being released into the space by an auto detonated kinetic state. Once this protective device is taken off, the antimatter bomb is exploded with magnetic moment particles radiating to the surrounding space destroying every living organization within the limits of its destructive range.

With this background scholarship in hand now let me go into the antimatter-related six big questions the CERN has put on to us by their outreach.

  1. Does antimatter exist? – According to QDE Theory, the antimatter exists as a contrary charge.
  2. How is antimatter contained? – According to QDE Theory, antimatter can be contained as an artificial block of infinitely dense fabric of space in a potential energy state gravitationally confined enclosed in a reflector made of two-dimensional carbon isotope to prevent its antigravity property getting activated. The CERN physicists say that it is difficult to contain antimatter. Any contact between a particle and its antiparticle leads to their annihilation immediately.
  3. What is God Particle? – According to QDE Theory, the God Particle is the supersymmetry particle called ‘Gasron’ that completes the Quaternion atomic model by getting banged with the asymmetric trinity of the holy mass. This supersymmetry particle is very important in keeping the antimatter trapped inside vacuums of the infinitely dense artificial block of fabric of space at potential energy state owing to the fact that the reflector, the two-dimensional carbon isotope have an abundance of this particle in making its configuration suitable to contain antimatter. According to the outreach of CERN, they are yet to locate this God Particle in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
  4. Can antimatter be made as an energy source? – According to QDE Theory, the antimatter is already an energy source utilized by everyone in the world including animals as well. Without antimatter energy all our communication systems operating on electromagnetic fields will be dead. The most sophisticated mechanism of the universe, the human consciousness works on antimatter energy (See – Murutenge, Sanathdeva, P.M., Scientific Basis of the Systematic Philosophy of Buddhism, Author Publication, 2006, ISBN 955-97940-1-9, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka). In reality if for some reason nature was not generous enough to give us this natural source of energy in profusion we all will be dead ducks by now lying on the crust of a dead planet. According to CERN outreach, when antimatter comes into contact with matter it annihilates, the mass of the particle and its antiparticle are converted into pure energy. Can this energy be harnessed in some useful way? What the CERN has said to this question is, they are yet to discover antimatter as a source of energy.
  5. Is it possible to make a Bomb out of antimatter? – According to QDE Theory, theoretically it is possible to use antimatter as a nuclear weapon. But owing to the fact that this sort of project invariably includes large number of man hours well informed in distinct areas of physical, chemical and metallurgical properties of various metals in fabrication, radiation effects (nuclear and biological) and technology (chemical propellants, hydrodynamics, and electrical circuits) and also Sri Lanka being a third world country, we as a nation are not in a position to venture on this. The CERN outreach says that the large scale annihilation of antimatter and matter could be used theoretically in a destructive way. But could this be used to make a Bomb? The CERN physicists have not answered this question yet. The internationally known theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku says that, if America tries to do this project, the USA will go bankrupt.
  6. Does CERN conduct secret research? – By all these explanations what I have to say is that the only application of antimatter energy is in the military domain. The so-called scientific research projects on antimatter currently in progress in the western world are invariably military sensitive. The outward show is maintained as usual on fundamental research. Before concluding this research article, I would like to remark again on the most important point on antimatter.

The whole universe is an Antimatter Bomb waiting to be blown up on a day where the Black Hole Entropy reaches its own doomsday. We cannot do anything about this. – Sanathdeva Murutenge


  1. Murutenge, Sanathdeva, P.M., Quantum Dynamical Evolution Theory of Sanathdeva Murutenge: A Paradigm Shift to Theories of Modern Physics, the theory of everything,2008, Author Publication, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, ISBN 978-955-97940-2-8.
  2. Murutenge, Sanathdeva, P.M., Scientific Basis of the Systematic Philosophy of Buddhism: Metaphysical and Metapsycological Analysis of Phenomena of Molecular Consciousness Of Theravada Abhidhamma, 2006, Author Publication, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, ISBN 955-97940-1-9.
  3. Dirac, P.A.M., The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 4th Edition,1958, Reprint 1974, Oxford University Press, London.
  4. Leibniz, Philosophical Writings, First Published 1934, J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., London.
  5. Lancker, Marc Van, Metallurgy of Aluminium Alloys, First Published 1966, Chapman and Hall Ltd., London.
  6. Hazeltine, R.D., Meiss, J.D., Plasma Confinement, 1992, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, CA.
  7. Yuan, S.W., Foundations of Fluid Mechanics, 1969, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
  8. Barrett, C.S., Massalski, T.B., Structure of Metals, Third Edition, First Indian Reprint 1968, Eurasia Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
  9. Rollason, E.C., Metallurgy for Engineers, Third Edition 1961, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd. London.
  10. Brown, Dan, Angels & Demons, 2006, Pocket Books, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., NY.

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